
Why have dental treatment under general anaesthetic?

girl-1208307_960_720The vast majority of people undergo routine dental treatment without the need for sedation of any kind, but here at CK Dental practice in Bristol, we are aware that for some people going to the dentist is not just a routine event.

We have all heard of the concept of being afraid of the dentist, but for people with dental phobia that fear is very real, and that’s why we decided to offer dental treatment under sedation here at our Bristol dentist clinic.

For some patients, however, they have other anxiety-related conditions which mean they have built up a tolerance to the drugs used for conscious sedation. For others, the fear of the dentist is so deep-rooted that any level of consciousness during the procedure is too much to cope with.

For those patients, general anaesthesia is a fantastic option, allowing them to undergo any necessary dental work without the trauma of seeing it happening.

Don’t you have to be in a hospital to have a general anaesthetic?

Yes, and that is why CK Dental is so well placed to offer this service. Our dental practice is located within the Nuffield Health Bristol Hospital, The Chesterfield in Clifton, which means our dental phobic patients can undergo dentistry under general anaesthesia, without having to enter an unfamiliar environment.

Do you do anything else to put dentalphobic patients at ease?

The whole team at CK Dental is trained and experienced in dealing with patients who are more than usually nervous about visiting the dentist.

This means that we are able to recognise when a patient is feeling anxious and work to remedy the situation. We do this by creating a very calm, warm and welcoming environment, by explaining all procedures in full before any dental work is undertaken and by helping you to talk through your fears.

If you are nervous or anxious about visiting the dentist, why not give the CK Dental team a call to find out how we can help you to get your teeth back on track.