Dentistry FAQs
Here at CK Dental practice in Bristol, our patients sometimes ask us some weird and wonderful questions about teeth. There are a few that pop up time and time again though, so here’s a round-up of some of the teeth-related questions we get asked most frequently, and the answers we give.
1. Why is sugar bad for your teeth?
This is an easy one. When it hits your teeth, sugar acts like an acid, eating away at the enamel that protects the teeth and eventually causing cavities and tooth decay.
While it is probably unreasonable to expect people to eat a completely sugar-free diet, it is best to limit the amount of sugar that you consume, as well as to drink plenty of water when you do eat something sugary, to help wash the sugars away from your teeth. And, of course, brush your teeth regularly.
2. Why do we have baby teeth?
Baby teeth are there to prepare our mouths for adulthood. Teeth are essential for speech and language development, as well as to help us learn to eat properly, but fully-fledged adult teeth wouldn’t fit in the jaws of a baby or toddler. Baby teeth tend to fall out from around the age of six, making way for the adult teeth to grow in their place.
It is important to teach your child good dental health habits right from the start, as not only will this set them in good stead for when their permanent teeth come through, but poor dental hygiene can lead to gum disease even in children.
3. Do I still need to brush even if I wear dentures?
Yes, absolutely. It is important to keep the dentures themselves clean – this can be done through a combination of soaking them overnight in water with a denture care tablet, and using a soft brush to clean between the “teeth”.
In fact, it is even more important to brush your teeth thoroughly and regularly if you wear dentures than if you don’t, as food can easily become trapped between the dentures and the natural teeth, leading to plaque build-up.