Let’s get one thing straight…
Your teeth! A recent study showed that as many as one in four Britons were so ashamed of their teeth that they refused to smile in photographs. Now, we Brits are famed the world over for having bad teeth, but in this day and age does that really still need to be the case?
A wonky smile
Whether or not it is true, the perception in other countries is that British people have wonky, stained, overcrowded teeth. This might not be the case for all of us, but if the survey results are to be believed, at least a quarter of us could do with some improvement.
Most of us have an in-built fear of braces, remembering the train tracks worn by schoolmates, and for many people an imperfect smile is preferable to a mouth full of metal. But there is another way.
Invisible braces
Invisalign is an invisible teeth straightening system, which we have been offering for many years here at Bristol dentist clinic CK Dental. We chose the system because it offers the ideal way to achieve straighter teeth, without the embarrassment and pain associated with traditional brace systems.
Convenient and fast
An Invisalign treatment programme is comprised of a series of invisible, removable aligners that are tailor made for you. Whereas with regular, metal braces, you need to return to the dentist for painful tightening sessions every few weeks, with Invisalign you just insert the next aligner in the series every fortnight.
We decided to offer Invisalign in Bristol because it offers results in times that are similar to or sometimes even faster than traditional braces, and because the system is so user friendly – the aligners are removable, so you can take them out to eat, or for public engagements, although of course the more you wear them, the quicker they will get to work.