
New Year’s Resolutions for your Teeth

January is a time of year when we all resolve to turn over a new leaf and look after ourselves a little better, so this year why not start with your teeth? Here are some ideas from the team at our Bristol clinic, to get you thinking…

Floss every day

Everyone resolves to floss straight after a visit to the dentist, when all that build-up has been scraped from between your teeth, but that resolve often falls by the wayside a few days in. Why not make this the year you actually stick to it?

Cut down on sugary food and drink

It’s unrealistic to expect yourself never to eat another chocolate again, but dentists recommend that you try to keep the sugar consumption to mealtimes.

Drink more water

This is a great all-rounder – not only will drinking more water keep you more alert, but drinking a glass of water after you’ve eaten can help rinse away anything that is potentially damaging to your teeth.

Brush for two minutes, twice a day

As adults, most of us do manage to brush our teeth twice a day, but do you really stick to the recommended two-minute minimum? There are a number of apps you can download on your phone to help with this one – ask your dental surgeon to recommend one, or you can buy an egg timer.

Get a whiter smile

If you’re embarrassed by the colour of your teeth – perhaps you’ve given up smoking as one of your other new year’s resolutions (if not, we highly recommend that you do!) and want to get rid of any tell-tale signs that you were ever in the habit – consider booking an appointment with a cosmetic dentist like Mr Krause here at CK Dental in Bristol, who can perform a tooth whitening procedure to leave your smile brighter than ever before.

Visit the dentist regularly

Even if you can’t manage all of the suggestions above, making regular trips to the dentist can help to keep tooth decay at bay.

Happy New Year from all the team here at Bristol Dentists CK Dental!