
Protect your teeth this Bonfire Night

We are entering into a dangerous time of year for teeth – from Halloween to Bonfire Night to Christmas, the shops are full of sugary treats and it can be difficult for the most self-disciplined of us to resist everything. So, what can we do to keep our teeth healthy this winter? And, more specifically, how can we persuade our children to do the same? The team here at CK Dental in Bristol has come up with a few ideas that shouldn’t be too difficult to implement:

Try to offer healthy alternatives

Kids will be desperate for toffee apples on bonfire night, but could you distract them with a healthier option? Making popcorn at home could be a great way to replicate the fun of fireworks whilst also providing a sugar-free snack to enjoy during the display.

Keep drinking water

Whether you are having a bonfire at home or going out to a big public display, try to keep a bottle of water to hand and ensure that you and the children drink from it regularly, particularly if there are sugary snacks on the go. This will help to wash the sugar off your teeth, avoiding too much build-up.

Don’t skip brushing – however late they are to bed

When the kids have been up late watching a firework display, it’s always tempting to miss out the whole bath time routine, just to ensure they get as much sleep as possible. However, skipping tooth brushing is a dangerous precedent to set, especially on a night when they may have enjoyed the odd sugary treat.

Do ensure that you leave it at least half an hour between the last snack and tooth brushing though – if you brush too soon, the enamel on your teeth will still be softened from the sugar and you risk doing more harm than good.

For more tips, or to book an appointment with our Bristol dentist, please contact us.