The Dangers of Dental Tourism

dental tourism

According to a recent survey conducted by the British Dental Association (BDA), more people than ever before are heading abroad for dental treatment. Worryingly, this has led to a significant increase in the number of patients seeking emergency dental work in the UK.

Choosing to undergo dental procedures abroad comes with many risks. Here, we look at the dangers of dental tourism and why it is advisable to stay closer to home.

What Are the Dangers of Going Abroad for Dental Treatment?

Going abroad for dental treatment might seem tempting, especially with the cheaper costs. However, many patients who choose to have dental care abroad often end up dealing with nasty complications afterward. The recent survey carried out by the BDA revealed some sobering statistics about the risks involved with dental tourism. Here’s some of the main reasons you should be cautious of undergoing dental work abroad according to the latest survey:

Poor Treatment: Many UK dentists reported treating patients who had problems with their dental work done abroad. Issues included treatment that didn’t work, pain, and poorly done procedures.

Expensive Fixes: Fixing the problems experienced back home can cost significantly more than it would have done to just have the work carried out in the UK. Some patients had to spend over £1000, and in extreme cases, even more than £5000 to fix the damage caused abroad.

Questionable Quality and Follow-up: When you get treatment abroad, it might not be easy to go back for follow-ups or complain if something goes wrong.

Communication Issues: Sometimes there’s a communication issue between the patient and the foreign dentist, which can affect the quality of care.

Popularity Driven by social media: Many people are swayed by social media promotions showing ‘perfect’ smiles and shorter waiting times. But remember, if it looks too good to be true, it probably is.

Always think carefully and research thoroughly before deciding to have dental work done in another country. The cheaper cost might end up costing you much more in the long run.

Beware of Turkey Veneers

Heading to Turkey for that picture-perfect smile? You might want to reconsider. Turkey veneers have become a popular procedure to achieve a perfect smile. However, many are unaware of what the procedure involves, and the risks of getting it done in Turkey. In some cases, patients have ended up having the nerves of their teeth removed and replaced with crowns without their consent or knowledge. Some patients have experienced severe pain and infections and are now paying for a lifetime of maintenance for their teeth due to these ill-advised procedures.

Usually, people opt for veneers to enhance the look of their natural teeth. They act like a cover and are less invasive than crowns. However, they still require part of the natural tooth enamel to be filed down. Once done, it’s not reversible, and normally they’ll need replacing after about 15 years.

Simpler Solutions for Fixing Your Teeth

If you’re looking to achieve that perfect smile without invasive procedures, there’s a simpler, more natural way to straighten crooked teeth or close those annoying gaps.

Invisalign is an effective, affordable teeth straightening procedure. It consists of clear, custom-made aligners that fit snugly over your teeth. They gently and gradually move your teeth into the desired position. The fact they are almost invisible is a major benefit for those who are embarrassed to wear traditional braces.

If you have veneers fitted, you’re signing up for replacements every 10-15 years. Invisalign lets you keep your own teeth and straightens them safely and naturally. You can also opt for a safe whitening treatment after, to show off your new confident smile.

So, if you want that perfect smile and a simpler, smarter solution, Invisalign might just be the perfect fit. It’s much cheaper and safer than heading abroad for veneers. Book a consultation with one of our expert dentists to see whether Invisalign could be an ideal treatment for you.