Understanding root planing
The variety of services and offerings that are available from our dentists has grown exponentially in recent years. Gone are the days of a simple scale and polish being the ‘upgrade’ on a routine check up, now dentists can offer an extensive suite of treatments to keep your teeth and gums in tip top condition.
One such new treatment is root planing, which is a non-surgical, deep-cleaning procedure. It is particularly helpful for patients who are suffering from (or who might be prone to developing) gum disease.
So what can I expect from root planing?
Root planing involves ‘sanding down’ the rougher, accessible areas on the surface of the roots. Once these are perfectly smooth it makes it much harder for bacteria to survive, creates less of an opportunity for plaque and tartar to form and allows your teeth and gums the best possible conditions to bond together firmly.
The procedure is often carried out over several sittings to ensure that it is working effectively and to minimise patient discomfort. Patients will often be left with temporarily sensitive, tender gums after the procedure so it is advised by the dentist that one side at a time is done, so that it does not affect the ability of the patient to eat and drink afterwards. A local anaesthetic is usually administered to ensure that patients feel no pain during the procedure.
Root planing is often carried out in tandem with a tooth scaling procedure, ensuring that your teeth and gums are left pristine. It is sometimes undertaken by the dentist and sometimes by the dental hygienist
What happens next?
As well as adhering to a regular brushing schedule and ensuring that your oral hygiene is optimal, after a root planing treatment you will benefit from regular check ups to ensure that your teeth and gums are faring well and that if the need for additional treatment arises it is caught nice and early.
Here at CK Dental Practice in Bristol we know that prevention is better than cure, and will work with you to ensure that you know how to maintain healthy teeth and gums. We will also help you understand all the ways in which we can help support you with this.