What questions should I be asking at a routine dentistry consultation?
Most of us have clocked up many trips to the dentist over our lifetime, but how can we be sure that we are making the most of each appointment? Generally, appointments are led by the dentist so you have no need to ask specific questions unless you’re particularly interested or worried about a particular area.
Here at CK Dental practice in Bristol we want you to feel that you’re getting the best care and service from your dentist, so if you’re curious about your oral health and interested to know what your dentist will be looking for, here are some questions you could consider asking.
How often should I be coming for a check up?
This will naturally differ from patient to patient, and will be dependent on the condition of your mouth, gums and teeth. If your oral health is normal then check ups are usually recommended once or twice per year. Typically at the end of a consultation your dentist will specify when they wish to see you again and you can book in for your next appointment before you leave.
How can I look after my teeth most effectively between appointments?
Your dentist will be able to give you lots of helpful hints and tips for caring for your mouth, teeth and gums. You can expect that this will include brushing at least twice a day (morning and night) and also flossing regularly. Mouth wash can sometimes be recommended as this can help keep your mouth and breath fresh, and helps keeps your teeth white.
What food and drink should I avoid to keep my teeth healthy?
Eating and drinking things that are high in sugar should be avoided (especially in young children whose teeth are still developing). Carbonated (fizzy) drinks can also wear down the delicate enamel on the surface of teeth. As with most food and drink guidelines, most things are fine in moderation, but the problems creep in when you overdo a particular food or drink that has a known effect on a particular area of the body.