Which celebs have had dental work?
We all know they do it – how else would they all have such perfectly straight, gleaming white teeth – but cosmetic dental work is not something that celebrities tend to shout about.
Even Botox gets talked about more than teeth whitening, in the celeb world, so the team here at CK Dental has decided to put together a list of famous people who have obviously had something ‘done’ to their teeth, and hazard a guess as to what that might be:
The Artist Formerly Known As Cheryl Cole
Whatever her new married name is, we all know her as Mrs Cole, so we’ll stick to that here. Back in the days when she was plain old Cheryl Tweedy, her gnashers were less than pearly white and there was a definite jut to her canines – not the perfectly even set she flaunts now.
Our Bristol dentist team thinks she has definitely had tooth whitening, and almost certainly had them straightened too – probably using something along the lines of the Invisalign invisible braces system, as no one remembers her sporting train tracks on The X Factor. Another option could be dental veneers.
Simon Cowell
Another X Factor judge and Cheryl’s mentor (maybe it was he who suggested she have the work done?), Mr Cowell is no stranger to cosmetic work. Again, we’re pretty sure he’s had his teeth whitened on numerous occasions, and with his penchant for beauty treatments, we wouldn’t be surprised to learn he’d had a lot of other cosmetic dentistry treatments too.
Tom Cruise
You wouldn’t know it to look at him now, but if you hunt down old photos of Tom Cruise before he was famous, he had some real issues with his teeth. His front teeth were seriously wonky and one of them was distinctly brown. It wasn’t until he’d had some pretty complex cosmetic dental work done that he really hit the big time.
The team here at CK Dental practice in Bristol reckons he’s at least undergone tooth straightening with something like Invisalign, but possibly had a full set of dental implants to create the flawless set of gnashers he sports these days.
It just goes to show that cosmetic dentistry can have a big impact on the way you look, and – for Mr Cruise at least – can even help you to get ahead in your career.
For more information about cosmetic dentistry in Bristol, please contact us.