Bristol Life Magazine

To celebrate National Smile Month, the team recently visited children at Christ Church C of E Primary School in Clifton to talk about the importance of brushing their teeth. We are also featured in this month’s Bristol Life magazine, with a special 50% off new patient offer.

Brushing for Better Health

The ‘Brushing for Better Health’ campaign is run by the Oral Health Foundation and highlights the importance of starting good oral health habits at an early age.

Principal dentist, Cornelius says, “The most important thing you can do to maintain your child’s oral health is to ensure they are brushing their teeth. Ideally, twice a day. Until the age of seven, children should be supervised while brushing their teeth to ensure it is done correctly. They should brush for two minutes.”

“Until the age of seven, children should be supervised while brushing their teeth to ensure it is done correctly. They should brush for two minutes,” he added.

Take advantage of our offer

For advice on how to care for your children’s teeth, or to take advantage of the family discount, book an appointment with our friendly team by calling 0117 472 1600 or email .

More details about our special National Smile Month 50% discount offer can be found here –

Children’s Teeth

A recent study has revealed the alarming toll the cost-of-living crisis is having on children’s dental health. Parents are struggling to provide essential oral hygiene items. And teachers have been distributing toothpaste and toothbrushes in the fight against tooth decay.

In today’s blog we look at the current crisis facing children’s dental health and share some of our top tips for looking after your child’s teeth.

More children with poor oral hygiene

The recent study into children’s dental health was conducted by the British Dental Association (BDA) and Beauty Banks, a charity focused on hygiene poverty. It revealed 81% of secondary school teachers reported some of their students didn’t have access to basic items such as a toothbrush and toothpaste. This unfortunate reality has led to social exclusion for 41% of these children due to their poor dental hygiene.

A staggering 75% of teachers noted that the unavailability of toothpaste and toothbrushes has resulted in students exhibiting discoloured teeth and visible tooth decay. Additionally, nearly one-third had observed students experiencing dental pain or bad breath. Instances of bullying related to signs of inadequate oral hygiene have reached an all-time high.

The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health recently cautioned that toothbrushes are becoming an unaffordable luxury item for some families.

Reduced access to routine dental treatment during lockdown has also contributed to a decline in children’s oral health. Now, tooth decay surpasses acute tonsillitis as the leading cause of hospital admissions among young children.

Tips for looking after your children’s teeth

The most important thing you can do to maintain your child’s oral health is to ensure they are brushing their teeth. Ideally, twice a day. A fluoride toothpaste can be purchased for less than £1 if you choose an own-brand. Toothbrushes can also be picked up for £1, lasting around three months.

Until the age of seven, children should be supervised while brushing their teeth to ensure it is done correctly. They should brush for two minutes, but not too soon after eating or drinking. The sugars in food soften the enamel on the teeth – so try to leave a good half hour before tooth brushing.

Maintaining dentists’ appointments is also crucial to help identify and treat any signs of tooth decay. However, many parents are struggling to get an appointment on the NHS due to the current dentistry crisis.

If you are struggling to look after your children’s teeth due to the cost-of-living crisis, help is available. Food banks, NHS Trusts, and many schools are offering free toothpaste and toothbrushes to those who need them. Supplied by Beauty Banks, oral hygiene items are now one of the most requested items for families.

Keeping your children’s teeth protected with CK Dental

For more detailed advice on how to care for your children’s teeth, book an appointment with one of our friendly dentists today. We offer an affordable and gentle family dentistry service, providing complete care for you and your little ones. For children over 6 years of age, the cost is £30, while for children under the age of 6 it is £15.

Looking After Your Smile

For many, Easter is a time to indulge in chocolate eggs and sweets. Supermarket aisles are brimming with Easter eggs, ready to be consumed over the holidays. However, amidst the festivities, it’s crucial to maintain proper dental care.

Taking the proper precautions can safeguard your oral health during the Easter season. Here are some of our recommendations for looking after your smile this Easter.

Limit Sweet Treats

Unwrap your eggs and enjoy them as a post-dinner treat on Easter Sunday rather than grazing on chocolate throughout the day. Constant snacking on chocolate and sweets produces damaging acids that attack your tooth enamel. However, by indulging in your chocolate all at once, you reduce the time that sugar stays on your teeth, decreasing the likelihood of tooth decay.

Drink Water After Chocolate

After eating your chocolate eggs, drink water to rinse away any residue left on your teeth. It also stimulates saliva production, which counteracts the harmful acids created by the sugar in the chocolate egg you just savoured.

Drinking plenty of water throughout the day also provides many additional health advantages. It helps boost energy levels, improves digestion, promotes blood circulation, eliminates toxins, and revitalises skin complexion. A healthy, balanced diet with plenty of Vitamin C is also beneficial for your gum health.

Avoid Hard, Sticky Sweets

If you also love to indulge in sweets during Easter, you’ll want to avoid those hard, sticky ones. Sweets with a sticky texture can become lodged between teeth, making them difficult to remove. This can prolong the sugar’s exposure to your enamel. Patients have also been known to lose fillings from chewing on toffees or to chip their teeth while biting hard sweets. Ideally, it’s better to stick to chocolate, with dark chocolate being the healthiest choice because of its lower sugar content.

Use Fluoride Toothpaste and Floss

Make it a habit to brush your teeth using fluoride toothpaste twice each day and floss regularly. Using interdental brushes between the teeth before brushing is a healthy bedtime routine. This helps to protect the enamel, keeping the teeth strong. Sugary snacks weaken the enamel, and brushing right away might cause further erosion. You should also brush after consuming sweets and chocolate but remember to hold off for at least 30 minutes.

Book a Dental Hygiene Appointment

Regular visits to your dentist and dental hygienist will help maintain your teeth and keep them in prime condition. They will clean away any soft plaque build-up on your teeth and give you advice on your homecare routine. They can also suggest treatments tailored to keep your teeth strong and healthy.

Book a dental hygiene appointment to protect your smile and keep your teeth healthy this Easter. You could even invest in a whitening treatment to eliminate staining and improve your smile.

Call us on 0117 472 1600 to book an appointment with a friendly dental hygienist today.

Invisalign provider

According to the British Dental Journal 75% of the UK population could benefit from some type of orthodontics work. Having the perfect smile will boost your confidence and enhance your personal and professional life.

Some people are turning to online options for a quick fix to straighten their teeth that avoids dentist visits. But by choosing teeth straightening without a professional in oral healthcare and cosmetic dentistry, they are potentially putting the health of their teeth at serious risk.

Here, you’ll discover why choosing an Invisalign provider dentist is a safer option than ordering teeth aligners online.

The dangers of teeth straightening without a dentist

Teeth straightening options have come a long way since the old fashioned ‘train-tracks’. Now, adults can achieve an even, beautiful, healthy smile in a matter of months with customised, clear and removable aligners.

Patients that choose online teeth straightening products, without first ensuring their suitability for straightening with a dentist, are putting their oral health at risk. What they may not realise is that the health of the teeth and gums needs to be checked first.

Even when provided with a DIY tooth mould, this will not show up the full picture. For example, the depth of your roots and strength of your teeth to withstand the pressure of aligners is vital. Any weakness can result in an unstable bite, gum disease, nerve damage or even tooth loss.

Why choose an Invisalign provider dentist?

Invisalign is the world leading cosmetic tooth straightening system having helped over 10 million people world-wide to achieve the smiles they deserve.

At CK Dental, as an Invisalign-approved provider we can provide professional and safe teeth straightening. Our dentists have undergone specialised training and are accredited providers. The main benefits of choosing us for teeth straightening are:

See the results first – We can show patients how they will look at the end with a bespoke 3D simulation before any financial commitment.

Check you are good to go – We always check your suitability to go ahead with treatment. 3D digital scans and all necessary x-rays are taken of the teeth, before the aligners are created – so that they fit snugly and comfortably.

Careful planning and monitoring – The aligners will precisely and carefully move your teeth into the desired position. This is based on the exact movements your dentist plans out for you. We’ll carefully monitor you on your straightening journey to accommodate any changes as your teeth move into position.

One of the best things about Invisalign, is that you’ll achieve a great smile with little interference in your daily life.

Although mostly a cosmetic treatment, Invisalign can also improve your long-term oral health. Placing teeth in favourable positions leads to easier cleaning and less stress when it comes to everyday eating.

The Invisalign technology we use is developing all the time. There are also quicker and lower cost options for patients. For example, with Invisalign Go patients can see results in as little as three months.

Book with our Invisalign specialist

Our friendly Invisalign specialist, Alex James has a keen interest in cosmetic dentistry, and will be able to discuss with you everything you need to know about teeth straightening at your appointment.

Alex completed his Invisalign training in 2016 and has obtained a vast level of experience, knowledge, and expertise on his journey to improving many patients’ smiles.

Alex is happy to currently offer FREE consultations to existing and new patients for Invisalign*.

You can call CK Dental on 0117 472 1600 or email to find out more.

*New patients will have to undergo a full examination at the same appointment as part of checking the suitability of oral health for Invisalign – there will be no extra charge for x-rays, clinical photographs or digital scans that will be included in the consultation!

Dental nurse Clifton

Dental Nurse Emily is the newest member of our growing new dental team at 1 West Mall in Clifton.

Emily completed her dental nursing training in 2019 whilst working at a busy NHS practice in Trowbridge. She has since worked in a private practice in Bath before joining the CK Dental team.

Emily enjoys assisting the dentist and has a keen interest in cosmetic dentistry, having also trained in facial aesthetics. “I enjoy seeing the transformation of the patients’ smiles and the happiness it brings them,” she says.

You can find out more about Emily, as well as the rest of the CK Dental team on our Team page.

If you would like to book an appointment at our Clifton dental practice, please call us on 0117 472 1600.

teeth hurt

Have you noticed your teeth hurt during colder weather? As temperatures plummet in the winter months, it can leave our teeth feeling a lot more sensitive than usual. Even if you don’t typically experience tooth sensitivity, this can quickly change in cold weather.

In most cases, patients can manage their tooth sensitivity with a range of at-home treatments. However, sometimes it could be a sign that something else is going on underneath the surface. Here, we look at some of the most common reasons your teeth hurt in cold weather.

A sudden change in temperature

The sudden drop in temperature can cause the teeth to hurt. Even if you don’t usually experience sensitive teeth, that could change while you are out during the colder weather. You may notice it hurts when you take a deep breath through your mouth, or when speaking to somebody outdoors.

This is a natural response to the change in temperature as teeth expand in the cold, and cracks can develop in the enamel. These cracks can expand further and cause permanent damage if not treated quickly. Therefore, it is worth booking a dental check-up so any damage can be repaired straight away.

Sensitive nerves/thin enamel

Some people have naturally more sensitive teeth than others. Your dental nerve may be enlarged, damaged, or overactive, causing it to be more sensitive than usual. Similarly, thin enamel can also cause sensitivity as there is little protection between the nerves and the cold air.

Looking into ways to restore and protect your enamel will help to prevent tooth sensitivity in the colder weather. Our dentists can recommend the best treatments that will give you the best protection.

Receding gums

When the gums recede, they leave the roots of the tooth exposed. Unfortunately, the roots tend to be hypersensitive to any outside stimuli. When the temperature drops, this can lead to a sharp, intense pain.

Receding gums can also be a sign of gum disease. If you suspect you do have gum disease, it is imperative to seek treatment from your dentist. If left untreated, gum disease can lead to more severe health issues.


If you feel a sharp or throbbing sensation in your tooth, or pain while you bite down, it could be a sign you have cavities. Over time, untreated cavities can lead to infection, which can be extremely painful. If you notice cold sensations within the tooth, it could be an indicator that something is wrong. Again, this is something you should get checked out immediately by your dentist.

Teeth grinding

If you regularly grind your teeth, it will wear down the surface of the tooth, as well as create tiny chips. This can reveal the dentin underneath, which is extremely sensitive to colder temperatures. The enamel of the teeth doesn’t grow back, so unless treatment is sought, your sensitivity issues will be ongoing.

If you are experiencing painful or sensitive teeth this winter, book a check-up with one of our friendly and skilled dentists. They will help get to the cause of the problem quickly, and advise you on the best treatments to eliminate it.


Root Canal Treatment

Also known as the pulp, a root canal is a part of your tooth. Containing the blood vessels, nerve tissue, and a variety of cells, it helps to give the teeth vital nutrients while providing moisture to surrounding tissue.

Being told you need to undergo root canal treatment can be daunting. To help give you an idea of what to expect, below you’ll discover everything you need to know about this common treatment.

What is root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment is referred to as endodontic therapy, and it is performed in three different steps.

The first step is to clean out the root canal. This is done by drilling into the tooth and removing everything inside the root canal with tiny files. The procedure is performed while the patient is under local anaesthetic.

Once the root canal has been cleaned, the next step is to fill it. The tooth will be shaped and decontaminated, then filled with material like rubber. An adhesive cement helps to completely seal the canal. A temporary filling will be put in and the patient will need to avoid biting or chewing on the tooth.

After a few days allowing the tooth to settle, another appointment will be arranged to fit a filling or crown over the tooth. This will help strengthen the tooth and keep it in place.

Will root canal treatment hurt?

The most common question patients have when they discover they need root canal treatment is whether it will be painful. While you may experience some pressure or discomfort, the procedure itself does not cause any pain.

If you do feel slight pain, it is typically down to the infection not the treatment.

As local anaesthetic is provided, you shouldn’t feel pain during the procedure. However, as it wears off you may experience tenderness in the area. This can usually be controlled with over-the-counter painkillers. If they don’t, you can ask for stronger painkillers to be prescribed.

Treatment for nervous patients

Many patients are understandably nervous about undergoing root canal treatment. If the mere thought of visiting the dentist makes you anxious, you certainly aren’t alone. However, help is available, and those who need it can choose to be sedated during the procedure.

At CK Dental, we have a new dentist who is a highly skilled Endodontics specialist. Dr Chris Hugh has become a much valued member of the team. His natural friendly and calming nature helps to put even the most nervous of patients at ease.

Book a consultation with Dr Chris Hugh today to learn more about the procedure and discuss sedation options if needed.

Dr Chris Hugh

We’d like to formally introduce Associate Dentist, Dr Chris Hugh, who recently joined our team. Chris is highly skilled in both routine and complex dental procedures, and his patients can expect to feel totally relaxed during their treatment.

Chris qualified from Cardiff in 2015, and since then he has worked in busy private and NHS dental practices in Bristol and Cheltenham. Chris’s main interest is root canal treatments, and he is currently undertaking a Masters in Endodontics.

A Bristol resident, Chris is enjoying ‘getting to grips’ with his newfound love of climbing. He also continues to play football for Barry Town United football club as well as squeezing in golf, running and going to the gym!

Here, we find out more about Chris.

Why do you have a special interest in endodontics?

“It’s a part of dentistry that most dentists hate, so I am one of the ‘weird ones’. I think I have always enjoyed it, when I was in university I had quite a bit of exposure to it, so I developed a bit of an interest.

“It’s quite a complex treatment and it feels like a challenge. So, when you get your final x-ray and see the result it can be very rewarding.

“It is also nice to help patients maintain their teeth and return them to good health. In providing good quality root canal treatment this can help my patients to avoid having teeth removed.”

What are common patient concerns about root canal treatment?

“There is a common misconception that root canal treatments hurt. I chat with my patients about root canal treatment prior to the appointment, taking time to explain the treatment. This reassures them.

“I explain that a local anaesthetic is used and it should feel no different to having an ordinary filling done. There may be some tenderness afterwards but this should gradually get less over time. After this, patients feel much more at ease.”

“A lot of my treatment is of failing restorations that have to be replaced. But also, a lot of teeth will die over the years from decay or dental treatment intervention, and so a lot of root canal treatment can be required,“ he adds.

Why CK Dental?

“I feel much more at home in a private practice as I can take my time with my patients, which helps them feel more at ease as you develop more of a rapport with them and also increases my enjoyment in the job.

“CK dental is a beautiful, well laid out practice, and I am excited to work in such a lovely environment. I am looking forward to providing high quality dental treatment for my patients in Clifton.”

You can find out more about Chris, as well as the rest of the CK Dental team on our Team page here –

If you would like to book an appointment at our Clifton dental practice, please call us on 0117 472 1600.


Dr Josie Leach

This month we welcome Dr Josie Leach to our team. A caring and empathetic dentist – patients of all ages will feel at ease with Josie. She always ensures that her patients receive the highest possible standard of care.

Josie qualified from the University of Leeds with a Bachelor’s degree in 2014. She completed her Vocational Training at a practice in Nottingham and was asked to stay on as an Associate. After this, she moved with her doctor husband ‘down under’ to Australia for two and a half years. There, she worked in practices in Mackay and then on the Sunshine Coast. On returning to the UK, she then worked in an independent practice in London.

Well travelled, Josie is now happily settled with husband and her beloved pooch, Murph, in Bristol. As big ‘foodies’ as well as ‘fitties’, they’re enjoying the culinary offerings in Clifton and about to embark on a kettlebell boot camp!

Here, we find out more about Josie and what patients can expect when they see her at CK Dental practice in Clifton.

What do you most love about being a dentist?

“I love seeing children in the clinic! I try to make it a fun and educational experience for them, and just want them to look forward to coming in more than anything else!

“I’ve also enrolled on Paul Tipton’s Post-Graduate certificate in Aesthetic Dentistry which starts next March.” The course covers topics such as ‘Designing a Beautiful Smile’, ‘Integrating Smile Design with Soft Tissue Treatments’ and ‘Using Digital Tools to Design the Perfect Smile’ – so plenty for our patients to benefit from!

What are the most common dental issues that you see?

“Recently, it’s more cosmetic issues due to the fact that most people have been (at least for part of it) working at home, on Zoom calls and on FaceTime. Either this, or patients who are nervous about visiting the dentist, and have been putting it off until they reach their pain limit.”

“There’s nothing I love more than seeing the change in those patients. They’ve been able to come to see me – and smile, feeling happy and comfortable to come in!”

So, why CK Dental?

“Having worked with Cornelius for the past few years, I’ve been able to watch how he works. I really agree with his ethos and patient care,” says Josie.

“I’m thrilled to be joining the rest of the team at CK Dental. I take huge pride in my work and set high standards for myself when I treat patients. Anxious patients will soon feel relaxed and calm in my company.”

You can find out more about Josie, as well as the rest of the CK Dental team on our Team page.

If you would like to book an appointment at our Clifton dental practice, please call us on 0117 472 1600 or email

Transform your smile

Christmas should be a fun and magical time, as you make memories with friends and family that you can treasure forever. However, if you aren’t confident about your smile, it can quickly turn into a festive nightmare.

If you are dreading having to show your teeth for family photos, there are ways you can transform your smile in time for Christmas. Regain your confidence and enjoy the festivities with these fast, simple treatments…

Get that missing tooth replaced

Missing teeth can have a significant impact on confidence. Whether you have one, or multiple missing teeth, having them replaced can instantly transform your smile.

Dental implants are a permanent solution, lasting a lifetime with adequate care. They are titanium screws that are placed into the jawbone. Surrounding bone eventually fuses to the implant, keeping it in place. The screw is covered with a crown that closely resembles the natural colour of your teeth.

Straighten out uneven teeth

If you have a misaligned smile, it can greatly impact your confidence. Many adults don’t seek treatment to straighten crooked or misaligned teeth as they don’t want the embarrassment of wearing braces. However, the good news is there are solutions that are practically invisible to the naked eye.

Invisalign teeth straightening is an innovative treatment, consisting of transparent aligners. Easy to put in and remove, they straighten out the teeth much quicker than traditional braces. You can expect to see results within six months, and you don’t need to attend as many follow up appointments as you would with traditional methods.

Get a brighter, whiter smile

Over time, the teeth can become discoloured due to staining from food, smoking, caffeine, and alcohol. When they turn yellow, you might not feel as confident showing your teeth when you smile.

Teeth whitening is one of the most popular treatments requested by patients. Helping you to achieve a brighter, whiter smile instantly, there are a variety of treatments available. At CK Dental, we recommend the Pola Light Teeth Whitening kit.

Utilising LED light technology, this at-home kit is a brilliant, advanced whitening system. You’ll receive the award-winning Pola whitening system, alongside a comfortable LED mouthpiece. Simply apply the mouthpiece for 10-15 minutes a day, for a total of five days. Tough stains will be gradually removed, leaving behind a bright, white smile.

Whatever teeth issues you are dealing with, there is a fast, effective treatment available. If you are interested in any of the above treatments, book a consultation with one of our friendly dentists today.

Throughout November, we are offering the Pola Light Whitening kits at an introductory rate of just £195. The treatment typically costs around £250, so take advantage of the offer while it lasts.