Why Invisalign might be better than a facelift
Those looking to improve their facial appearance tend to focus on drastic procedures such as a facelift. While these procedures can deliver excellent results, less invasive procedures may be a better option.
Did you know for example, that many people are finding an Invisalign treatment to be a better alternative to a facelift? Here, we’ll look at how changing your teeth through the Invisalign system can prove better than an extensive facelift procedure.
Why might Invisalign be better than a facelift?
The jaw and teeth provide the frame for our face. Therefore, making adjustments to how they look can ultimately impact our entire facial features. Since the start of the lockdown, the cosmetic dentistry sector has seen a significant rise in demand. The rise in Zoom video calls, additional time on social media as well as desire for a ‘pick me up’ from social isolation, has led to many people choosing treatments to correct their facial imperfections.
Invisalign braces help to correct the shape of the teeth and jaw, in turn helping to alter the appearance of facial features. Unlike a facelift, the treatment is also very hard to spot and it doesn’t require a huge recovery time. Facelifts are renowned for their lengthy recovery process and you’ll need to wear a bandage for a week or two. This makes it difficult to hide the procedure from others.
With Invisalign, the results are natural too. The braces are created using a mould of your mouth. This ensures they will fit correctly and feel comfortable. Facelifts on the other hand, tend to create a more dramatic impact. A full face lift is often easy to detect due to how extensive it is.
The benefits of Invisalign
Invisalign braces deliver a lot of great benefits. The fact that they are practically invisible to the naked eye is a major benefit. This is great for those who worry about having standard braces because of how they might look.
Ageing also tends to be more visible on the lower part of the face. As Invisalign braces help to alter the shape of the jaw, it can help to correct the signs of ageing in the area. Unlike a lot of procedures, they also provide natural looking results. This means it won’t be obvious that you have had work completed. The additional structure and support provided by the braces also helps to reduce sagging.
They can also widen the smile, making it more prominent. You’ll find them easy to clean and look after, and most patients feel they are comfortable to wear.
What is Invisalign Go?
Invisalign Go is aimed at patients with mild correction issues, who are looking for fast results. Clear aligners are used to straighten the teeth in just six months. The original Invisalign treatment takes around 12-18 months to work fully. You will need to wear them all of the time, besides when brushing, flossing and eating.
Both Invisalign and Invisalign Go have proven highly effective at helping patients to achieve a perfect smile. As well as improving the teeth and jawline, they can also help to improve the signs of ageing.
Book a consultation today to see how Invisalign could help you to boost your confidence and achieve that perfect smile. Call CK Dental on 0117 905 9866 to book an appointment with our experienced dentists.