Invisalign Go

Looking for a discreet teeth aligner treatment? Traditionally, braces have been the go-to treatment for correcting teeth alignment. However, thanks to improvements in technology, patients now have a multitude of options including Invisalign Go.

Here, you’ll discover more about this exclusive teeth aligner system, currently offered at 20% off until the end of December…

What is an Invisalign teeth aligner?

Based on the original Invisalign system, Invisalign Go is a revolutionary clear aligner for teeth straightening. Invisalign has helped millions of people transform their smiles.

The clear aligners are practically invisible, making them a preferred option for those looking to hide their dental work. Like traditional options, Invisalign is designed to be worn for a set period of time, allowing it to gradually straighten the teeth.

You will typically need to wear the aligners for 20-22 hours each day, removing them to eat, floss and brush. They will also need to be replaced every 1-2 weeks depending upon your treatment plan.

The benefits of Invisalign Go

There are a lot of benefits of choosing Invisalign Go besides the fact that they are practically invisible. They are both cheaper and take less time to work than other options.

You should find them comfortable to wear too, with most patients forgetting they even have them in. You also won’t need to attend as many dental appointments when you’re using the Invisalign Go system.

As the aligners are custom made to fit your mouth, there is less risk they will fall out accidentally. You will be able to talk, sleep and laugh without worrying about them falling out.

What happens during the procedure?

In order to benefit from Invisalign Go, you will first need to book a consultation. Here, you will be assessed for your suitability for the procedure.

If you are deemed to be an ideal candidate, records of your current teeth will be taken. You will then be provided with a treatment plan within a couple of weeks. Once the plan has been approved, your treatment will start within 2-3 weeks.

You will be monitored every 6-8 weeks to see how the system is working for you. This will last for as long as the treatment plan is running.

Will it affect my speech?

When you first begin to wear the aligners, you may find it difficult to pronounce certain letters. However, you should find you get used to them within a few days and your speech will return to normal.

The Invisalign Go system has revolutionised the dental sector. Phone us on 0117 905 9866 and book a consultation today and take advantage of our 20% money off deal throughout December!

Teeth Whitening

Trying to achieve that perfect smile? Over time, the teeth can become stained due to exposure to things like caffeine, alcohol and smoking. This can lead to a loss of confidence, especially when you are smiling for photos or talking to others.

Having your teeth whitened can really help to boost your confidence. However, there are a few things you should know before you decide whether or not to undergo the procedure.

Here, you’ll discover all you need to know about having your teeth whitened.

What does having your teeth whitened involve?

At CK Dental, we use the Enlighten system to help patients achieve a whiter smile. It is suitable for up to 95% of patients and it works over a two-week period. In around 98% of cases, it helps patients get to a B1 grade. This is the lightest natural shade you can achieve.

It is provided in the form of a home whitening kit. You’ll take the kit home and use it every night for two weeks. After this, you will revisit the dentist to assess the results.

Can you do it yourself?

The Enlighten system is designed to be used by you, enabling you to do it at home. However, you can’t just purchase the kit, instead you need to visit a dentist. They will prescribe you the kit if you are deemed eligible for the treatment. Before you can use it, they need to take moulds to create customised whitening trays.

Always visit your dentist before following any whitening procedure yourself.

What results can you expect?

When using the Enlighten system, most patients will achieve the lightest natural colour. The current shade, diet and age doesn’t appear to alter the effectiveness of the system. However, not all patients will achieve a B1 shade.

This is because each of us has a saturation point. This means a point where the teeth won’t go any brighter. It is different in each person, which is why a B1 shade cannot be guaranteed.

It’s also worth noting that only your natural teeth will change colour. So, if you have any fillings or crowns for example, these may be more visible after the treatment. You could choose to have your crowns or fillings blended to match the new colour of the teeth.

Is it safe, and will it hurt?

The good news is the Enlighten system is safe to use for most patients. However, if you are pregnant or nursing, you should wait until you have the procedure done. It may hurt, though this will mostly be down to sensitivity of the teeth. Only around 2% of patients experience intense sensitivity during the treatment.

As you can see, the Enlighten system can be an effective way to whiten the teeth. You can do the treatment at home, so it’s a lot more convenient than some other dental whitening systems out there.

Book a consultation with your dentist today to learn more about this exclusive and effective teeth whitening solution. You can call CK Dental on 0117 905 9866 to find out more.

hand over mouthWithout seeing the patient in person and performing a thorough examination of the teeth, it is difficult to advise on the correct course of treatment. However, there are a few treatments offered here at our Bristol dental practice which can deal with one or both of these problems.

Teeth straightening

If by “uneven” you mean your teeth are crooked, then the Invisalign invisible braces system might present a good treatment option. Using a series of customised invisible aligners, each of which is worn for between two and three weeks, the Invisalign system effectively straightens your teeth without anyone needing to know you are wearing a brace.

Teeth whitening

For discolouration, the obvious choice is teeth whitening. Here at CK Dental practice in Bristol, we use an at-home whitening system, using a special customised tray that is created from an imprint of your mouth.

Carried out as a night time treatment over a period of around a fortnight, teeth whitening in Bristol can provide an even, predictable whitening of the teeth, which lasts for between one and two years. Results can be topped up to maximum whiteness in just one or two nights at minimal cost.

Dental veneers

“Uneven” does not always mean crooked – in some cases, the teeth are of uneven lengths, perhaps due to bruxism (teeth grinding), or because of chips or breakages of the teeth. If this is the case for you, then dental veneers might present the best treatment option – solving both your problems at once.

Dental veneers are made from very thin layers of porcelain, which are permanently bonded to the surface of the natural teeth using a special adhesive. This allows us to create a perfectly white, even smile, using minimally invasive techniques.

To book a consultation and find out which of these treatments is most suitable for you, please contact us.