
Is Invisalign treatment right for me?

Invisalign treatment

Invisalign treatment is an innovative tooth straightening procedure. Ideal for all ages, it replaces traditional braces, with clear ones. Made with SmartTrack material, these aligners are comfortable to wear. They are customised to perfectly fit each patient for maximum results.

While Invisalign is suitable for most patients, there are some factors to consider before you book the procedure. Here, you’ll discover how to decide whether Invisalign is right for you.

What kind of problems can Invisalign treat?

Invisalign treatment is suitable for a wide range of tooth problems. Just some of the things this innovative treatment can help with include:

  • Overbite/Underbite
  • Crossbite
  • Gaps in the teeth
  • Crowded teeth

Each of the problems above can lead to more severe issues if left untreated. Traditional braces are effective, but they can be uncomfortable. They are also easy to spot, whereas Invisalign aligners blend in with the teeth. If you have any of these problems, Invisalign might be for you.

Is there an age limit?

Invisalign is suitable for anyone 13 years and over. Unlike most orthodontic treatments, this one is largely designed with adults in mind. There is no upper age limit for the treatment, the main requirement is that you don’t have any baby teeth still present.

When might an Invisalign treatment not be recommended?

In some cases, Invisalign treatment might not be right for you. If you still have baby teeth, or if certain teeth have been removed, the procedure may not be suitable. This is because if teeth are missing, it isn’t going to be possible to fill in the gap between them. Similarly, if you have false teeth Invisalign isn’t going to be suitable for you.

Those with periodontal disease, or acute gum disease, are also unsuitable for the treatment. The dentist will be able to assess your suitability for the procedure during your consultation.

What results can I expect?

You will usually need to wear Invisalign aligners for an average of 12-18 months before you complete the treatment. The exact time will depend upon the type of problem you are experiencing, and how severe it is.

Unlike traditional teeth straightening methods, the results for Invisalign can be more accurately predicted prior to the treatment. This is down to their customised design. The aligners are created using dental impressions taken from the patient’s mouth.

Overall, Invisalign is suitable for a wide range of patients. It can correct many different problems with teeth alignment, remaining invisible to the naked eye. You will find them comfortable to wear and they provide much faster results than traditional braces.

You can learn more about teeth straightening, and about our Invisalign treatments, at your initial consultation. Call CK Dental today on 0117 905 9866 to book a consultation with our experienced dentists.